mean access time câu
mean time
In the mean time I want you to carry on, with the dreary normal things you,Tất cả mọi người sẽ hứng chịu điều tồi tệ đó. Like everyone...

access time
The device should have an access time of 1ms or lessThiết bị nên có thời gian truy xuất 1ms hoặc thấp hơn. Primary storage has the fas...

greenwich mean time
The time in Laos is 7 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMS +7).Thời gian tại Lào là 7 giờ trước Greenwich Mean Time (GMT +7). The ti...

greenwich mean time (gmt)
I start to trade in 5 hours Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).Tôi bắt đầu kinh doanh 5 giờ Greenwich Mean Time ( GMT). I start to trade in 5 h...

local mean time
The local mean time in Kuala Lumpur was originally GMT+06:46:48.Múi giờ địa phương ở Kuala Lumpur là GMT/ UTC + 6:46:48. The local ...

mean repair time
Schneider Electric recently announced the company had debuted the “first smart factory in the U.S.” that led to 90% paperwork eliminati...

mean solar time
The clock time in this zone is based on the mean solar time of the 120th degree meridian west of the Greenwich Observatory.Múi giờ này ...

mean time to repair
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) 4 hoursCó nghĩa là thời gian để sửa chữa( MTTR) 4 giờ Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) 4 hourscó nghĩa là thời gi...

mean time to repair (mttr)
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) 4 hoursCó nghĩa là thời gian để sửa chữa( MTTR) 4 giờ Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) 4 hourscó nghĩa là thời gi...

mean travel time
Los Angeles's mean travel time for work commutes in 2006 was 29.2 minutes, similar to those of San FranciscoLos Angeles thời gian đi lạ...

mean waiting time
arrival and total mean waiting time.Wait và await đều có nghĩa là chờ đợi.

mttf (mean time to failure)
MTTF represents the average time until this failure occurs.Trong đó MTTF (mean time to failure) thời gian trung bình tới khi hư hỏng

average access time
← Find the average access time for the disk.Tìm hiểu khái niệm thời gian truy cập trung bình của ổ đĩa Find the average access time fo...

memory access time
For non-random-access memory, access time is the time it takes to position the read–write mechanism at the desired location.Với bộ nhớ ...

time division multiple access
Posts Tagged ‘Time division multiple access’phân chia theo thời gian- Time Division Multiple Access Redirected from Time Division Multi...

mean time between failure (mtbf)
The rate the mean time between failures (MTBF) of one million hours.Độ bền Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) tới 1 triệu giờ. Mean Time ...

mean time between failures (mtbf)
The rate the mean time between failures (MTBF) of one million hours.Độ bền Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) tới 1 triệu giờ. Mean tim...

mtbf (mean time between failures)
It is measured by MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure).Được đo bằng MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures). MTBF (mean time between failures)MTB...

tdma (time division multiple access)
With GPON transmitting downstream in a broadcast manner and upstream in a TDMA (time division multiple access) manner, different bit ra...

time division multiple access (tdma)
It provides moderate-speed data transfer, by using unused time division multiple access (TDMA) channels in, for example, the GSM system...

in the mean
In the mean time I want you to carry on, with the dreary normal things you,Tất cả mọi người sẽ hứng chịu điều tồi tệ đó. In the mean, ...

I mean, I finally find a real relationship.Ý em, Cuối cùng em đã tìm thấy mối quan hệ đích thực. He doesn't understand! He didn't mean...

Or someone who worked with the police, had access.Hoặc là ai đó làm việc với cảnh sát, có quyền ra vào. Someone with real motive and a...

a mean character
She certainly had a mean character, I would swear to it.Cậu ta luôn có một ý nghĩa cực đoan nào đó, tôi thề đấy. Projector type headli...

a mean person
You're not such a mean person, in spite of yourself.Anh không phải là một người khó chịu, dù anh làm ra vẻ như vậy. I swear, I'm not a...